Current Series: Learning to Pray with the Book of Common Prayer
On March 23rd and 30th, Duke Divinity School Seminarian Nicole Kallsen will lead us in two classes that will discuss the nature of prayer, and how the Book of Common Prayer can be used in our daily rhythms of prayers. Please join Nicole for these classes!
Past Series:
The Legacy of Nicaea: Exploring the Impact of the Council of Nicaea, 1700 Years Later
From February 23rd to March 16, we will explore the context, context, and subsequent impact of the Council of Nicaea. This important creed has guided Christian theology for 1700 years. Here is the schedule of speakers:
February 23rd: Dr. Warren Smith, Professor of Historical Theology, Duke Divinity School
March 2nd: Dr. Ron Rittgers, Professor of Reformation Studies, Professor of the History of Christianity at Duke Divinity School
March 16th: Nathan Porter, PhD Candidate at Duke Divinity School
A Light to the Nations: a Study of Isaiah with Dr. Ross Wagner
Beginning on January 12th, Dr. Ross Wagner, Associate Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity, will teach a six week course on the book of Isaiah during the Interlude. Please join us!
Past Series: The Kingdom is Among Us
For four weeks this Fall, we’ll have a series that spotlights our four local missions partners. Each of them will teach us about how they see Jesus’ kingdom breaking into our reality through their work. Here is the schedule of topics and teachers:
October 20th: Susan McSwain, Executive Director of Reality Ministries
October 27th: Tracy Schutte, Executive Director, Lakeisha Blake, Director of Church Engagement, and Michelle Waller, Client Services Director at Pregnancy Support Services
November 10th: Michael Jones, Program Director at Durham Cares
November 17th: Mac Albergotti, Volunteer Coordinator at World Relief Durham
Living into Community Book Discussion
During the summer of 2024, we will discuss Christine Pohl’s book "Living into Community: Cultivating the Practices that Sustain Us”.
You may purchase a copy here.
Through studying and discussing this book, we’ll learn ways to practice hospitality, gratitude, truth-telling, and fidelity.
Anglican Distinctives
During the Fall of 2024, we had a series called Anglican Distinctives. For five weeks, we learned about the Prayer Book, Anglican practice and theology, and the particulars of Anglican worship. Here is the schedule of topics and teachers:
September 15th: Deacon Hannah Howland “Clergy Fits”
September 22nd: Collin Flake and Grace Brooks “Praying the Daily Office”
September 29th: Alex Exum, “Embracing Via Media”
October 6th: Fr. Timothy Kimbrough, “Prayer Book Piety”
October 13th: Deacon Jeremy Alcorn, “The Sacramental Imagination”