Why We Believe Small Groups are Important
Community can serve as a means of transformation, both for individuals and for groups. We believe that community is deeply essential to the Christian life because Jesus calls us into deep relationship with one another, just as we are called into relationship with God.
With this in mind, our church considers small groups to be a means of fostering this communion with God and others. In other words, small groups become a means of establishing the community to which we are called as Christians so that we can more fully become the church that God intends us to be. Consider joining a small group!
For more info on groups, please email Tyler Lund-Hansen, Curate and Director of Formation, at tyler@allsaints-chd.org.
As of the Fall of 2019, we’ve moved from a trimester system to a semester one. Sign-ups for groups will now occur two times per year — once in late August (with Fall groups beginning after Labor Day), and once in early January (with Spring groups beginning in mid-January.) Sign up to be a part of the same group you’ve been attending, or try something new! All current small group members are asked to sign up again each semester, so that we can get an accurate count of the numbers and slots available. It’s also a great opportunity for you to reassess and/or restate your commitment to your group.
Curious to know more or need a suggestion for a group that would be a good fit for you? Please use the CONTACT US button.