Men’s Ministry

The All Saints Men’s Ministry exists to connect, encourage, and form the men of All Saints in their growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. To support this vision we host events and provide opportunities for spiritual formation, fellowship, and service.

Church-wide Men's Breakfasts are held three Saturdays a year and include fellowship, food, a devotion, and discussions. These are a great way to connect with other men and receive spiritual encouragement over a meal and fellowship together!

Local Men's Hikes happen every couple of months during the warmer months. These are usually a few miles long with an easy-to-moderate level of difficulty.

Co-Mentoring Groups consist of 4-6 men that meet monthly with the goals of fostering authentic, intergenerational relationships between the men in our church and encouraging one another in the faith.

In our Breakfast Buddies Club, each man in the club meets once a month with one other guy for breakfast or coffee. This is ongoing and always open for new men to join in!

We also have a Google Groups email list for men's ministry related announcements and conversations. If you'd like to know more about our ministry, be added to this email list, or participate in any of these events and opportunities, please use this CONTACT US link. 


At the top of Grandfather Mountain on a recent Men’s Retreat.