The Easter Vigil is a service of waiting for the coming of Jesus--the ultimate end of this Lenten season. We remember the story of God's love that began in Creation, led the Israelites in and through the desert, all the way through the arc of Scripture to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our service will be filled with incense and layered with your voices -- as we read scripture, pray together, sing aloud, baptize babies, renew our own baptismal vows, and celebrate Holy Communion together, marking the resurrection of Jesus from the grave.
We'll gather out front on the Veranda to begin our service around the fire pit. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early. Bring bells (or shake your keys!) as we prepare to ring-in Easter morning!
Following the service, we'll gather for our Vigil Reception, featuring chocolate fondue and sparkling cider.
If you are able to help with the Reception, please contact Joy McNeal.
Nursery will be available during this service.