Baptism and Holy First Communion Class
10:00 AM10:00

Baptism and Holy First Communion Class

Starting on Sunday, March 23rd, we will begin our Baptism and Holy First Communion Class. This class will meet during the Interlude for four consecutive Sundays. It is designed for parents who intend to have their children baptized on Easter or Pentecost, or for children preparing for their first communion. If you would like to join, please RSVP by emailing Tyler.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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Baptism and Holy First Communion Class
10:00 AM10:00

Baptism and Holy First Communion Class

Starting on Sunday, March 23rd, we will begin our Baptism and Holy First Communion Class. This class will meet during the Interlude for four consecutive Sundays. It is designed for parents who intend to have their children baptized on Easter or Pentecost, or for children preparing for their first communion. If you would like to join, please RSVP by emailing Tyler.

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Palm Sunday
8:30 AM08:30

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, we remember Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem--the beginning of Holy Week. Weather permitting, for both our 8:30 Am and 11 Am we will gather outside on the Veranda to begin our services with the Liturgy of the Palms, and process inside the Sanctuary together. Plan to arrive a few minutes early. Palm branches will be passed out when you arrive, and can be waved throughout the service. We encourage you to take them home, perhaps make a cross with them like THIS, and then bring them back before Lent next year, and we'll burn them to use during our Ash Wednesday service.

Nursery available at both services.

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Baptism and Holy First Communion Class
10:00 AM10:00

Baptism and Holy First Communion Class

Starting on Sunday, March 23rd, we will begin our Baptism and Holy First Communion Class. This class will meet during the Interlude for four consecutive Sundays. It is designed for parents who intend to have their children baptized on Easter or Pentecost, or for children preparing for their first communion. If you would like to join, please RSVP by emailing Tyler.

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7:30 PM19:30


In Latin, Tenebrae means "shadows" or "darkness", and a Tenebrae service is a darkening service, per se. As we mediate on the Passion of Christ, counting down and preparing for what is to come this holiest of weeks, we pray, read scripture and extinguish candles. Join us at 7:30pm (right before the sun sets) for this beautiful, reflective service.

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Maundy Thursday
7:00 PM19:00

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, we remember and re-enact the story of the Last Supper, when Jesus gathered his disciples around the table, serving them bread and wine, and tenderly washing their feet. Jesus humbly served his followers before his impending cruxifixction, and commanded them to do the same: "Love one another, as I have loved you."

At 5pm, our service is geared towards children and their families, with an instructive foot washing experience, and light snacks afterwards.

At 7pm, we will have foot washing, celebrate the Eucharist, and then strip the altar, marking the beginning of Jesus' betrayal, crucifixion, and death.

No nursery.

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Stations of the Cross
9:30 AM09:30

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross (aka The Way of the Cross, or The Road to Resurrection), is a powerful, historic, embodied experience that uses images and activities to mark multiple stages of Christ's journey to Golgotha. Location and Times TBD

This is a family-friendly event your kids will enjoy! There will be a kid-specific, guided experience of the stations at 5pm, and a general, guided one at 7pm with spoken liturgy. Otherwise, this is a self-guided experience -- come at any point.

Art by one of our own in-house artists, Janice Little.

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Easter Vigil
7:00 PM19:00

Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil is a service of waiting for the coming of Jesus--the ultimate end of this Lenten season. We remember the story of God's love that began in Creation, led the Israelites in and through the desert, all the way through the arc of Scripture to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Our service will be filled with incense and layered with your voices -- as we read scripture, pray together, sing aloud, baptize babies, renew our own baptismal vows, and celebrate Holy Communion together, marking the resurrection of Jesus from the grave.

We'll gather out front on the Veranda to begin our service around the fire pit. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early. Bring bells (or shake your keys!) as we prepare to ring-in Easter morning!

Following the service, we'll gather for our Vigil Reception, featuring chocolate fondue and sparkling cider.

If you are able to help with the Reception, please contact Joy McNeal.

Nursery will be available during this service.

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Easter Sunday
8:30 AM08:30

Easter Sunday

We'll celebrate Christ's resurrection with great fanfare (and lots of alleluias!) on Easter morning. Join us for one of our two Easter Sunday services of Holy Communion. At our 8:30am we will have baptisms. We expect both services to be very full. Plan to come early, and consider parking at our Church Office (4905 Pine Cone Drive, Durham). The Fellowship Hall will serve as our over-flow room for latecomers.

Bring some flowers, or cuttings from your flowering trees, and place them in the buckets in the Narthex. Children (and parents) are invited to join the clergy in the procession at both services, as we flower the cross.

Nursery will be available at both services.

During the Interlude, we'll have our annual potluck Easter brunch for all to enjoy. If you are able, please bring something to share during our potluck brunch (i.e. breakfast casserole, fruit salad, baked goods, etc.) If you can help with the brunch, please contact Joy McNeal.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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Baptism and Holy First Communion Class
10:00 AM10:00

Baptism and Holy First Communion Class

Starting on Sunday, March 23rd, we will begin our Baptism and Holy First Communion Class. This class will meet during the Interlude for four consecutive Sundays. It is designed for parents who intend to have their children baptized on Easter or Pentecost, or for children preparing for their first communion. If you would like to join, please RSVP by emailing Tyler.

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Women's Ministry Gathering
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Ministry Gathering

Join the women of All Saints for a morning of prayer, reflection and fellowship on March 22nd at Hannah Howland’s home in East Durham! We will be gathering from 9:30-11:30 during the season of Lent for a time of contemplative prayer and reflection. Light snacks and coffee will be provided! Please RSVP by emailing Hannah Howland ( by March 19th. Childcare will not be provided. 

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9:00 AM09:00

Bake and Pray Retreat

On Saturday, March 8th, author Kendall Vanderslice will host a retreat from 9 am to noon at the Reality Center. As you follow the steps to bake bread– whether you are intimidated by yeast or are a lifelong baker– you will learn something about the character of God and the life of faith. The retreat will cost $10. To RSVP, please email Tyler.

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12:00 PM12:00

Ash Wednesday

We will be holding three services on Ash Wednesday 3/5 as we begin our Holy Lent together. At 12PM there will be a spoken service. At 5 PM there will be a service directed toward children and families. At 7pm there will be a traditional Ash Wednesday service. Ashes will be imposed at each service.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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11:00 AM11:00

The Ordination of Jeremy Alcorn to the Order of Priests

God Willing

The Right Reverend Dr. Steven A. Breedlove
Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope
of the Anglican Church in North America
will ordain

Jeremy David Alcorn

to the sacred order of Priests
in the Church of God

FEBRUARY 23, 2025
11 AM

DURHAM, NC 27707

Your prayers and presence are requested.

Clergy, red stole, please.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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10:00 AM10:00

Annual Meeting

All are invited to attend our annual meeting. Members will vote to affirm our new vestry members, and our Synod Delegates. It is especially important that members plan on joining us during the interlude1/26. Annual reports will be distributed before the meeting.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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5:00 PM17:00

All Saints Day Chili Cook Off & Talent Show

As part of our All Saints Day celebration on November 3, we will be holding our annual chili-cook off. Join us, 5 PM at FOSDA, for a time of food and fellowship! Signups will be available to bring chili & cornbread.

In addition to our chili cook-off we will also be presenting our annual talent show! Consider a musical number, stand-up comedy, magic, dance, WHATEVER! This event is always a hit - and family friendly.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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10:00 AM10:00

Pray4Me Brunch

The basic idea of the Pray for Me Campaign is simple. Three adults from three different generations will be assigned as prayer champions for each teenager in the church (These specific numbers don’t always work out because of our size, but this is the goal). For the next year those adults will pray for their student using a prayer guide with 13 weeks worth of daily prayers focused on seven essential spiritual qualities appropriate for teenagers, as well as by regularly asking the student for any specific prayer requests. Additionally, these match ups are an opportunity for the prayer champions and teenagers to build a relationship. Intergenerational relationships are an invaluable way that we disciple our young people and help them to grow in their faith and the P4M Campaign is a structured way to facilitate those meetings.

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12:45 PM12:45

Safety Training

We are having a safety training on September 15th after church from 12:45PM - 2PM. This training is for people ages 16 and older who serve on the vestry, in children’s & youth ministry and any volunteer teams that regularly serve with minors volunteers. This training is required by the diocese every 2 years, so if you have never been trained or you have not been re-trained since the fall of 2021, please sign up on the attached Google sheet. If you’re not sure if you should be there, please contact your ministry leader or Carley McGrady (

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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12:30 PM12:30

Annual Ministry Fair

Mark your calendars, and plan to join us for our Annual Fall Ministry Fair immediately following Church on Sunday August 28. You'll be able to sign-up for small groups, find out about volunteering opportunities, and get to know all the saints of All Saints Church! Weather permitting we will be outside enjoying lunch together! We'll have a bouncy house for the kiddos. Please bring a potluck item to share.

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8:30 AM08:30

Backpack Blessing

You are invited on August 18 to join us for our annual backpack blessing! On this day anyone who will be a student, teacher or faculty in the coming academic year can bring their backpack (or satchel, etc.) so that the Church can pray over them as they begin their new academic year. Whether you have a student who is beginning the first year of kindergarten or a professor at seminary, come let us celebrate your coming year!

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Newcomer's Coffee Hour
10:00 AM10:00

Newcomer's Coffee Hour

Are you new to All Saints? Want to find out more? Join us on the first Sunday of any month at 10am for a Newcomer’s Coffee Hour. We’ll gather downstairs in the first classroom on your right for coffee and croissants. Staff, clergy, and vestry members will be available to chat, answer questions, and get to know you! Childcare available in the nursery right down the hallway. No need to RSVP.

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6:35 PM18:35

Durham Bulls Game

Take me out to the ball game! On Thursday July 25th , All Saints is headed to the minors. The Durham Bulls will be facing off against the Gwinnett Stripers at 6:35 PM. We will be reserving a block of seats on the 3rd base sideline (out of the worst of the sun). Tickets are 15$ a seat. Please RSVP early to Parker at to book your ticket in our block.

P.S. Hot dogs will be 1$. Who can eat the most?

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