Caleb King
The Role of our Finance/Stewardship Team, per our bylaws:
10.3 Finance Committee
This committee has a special role in the management of Parish fiscal affairs, in cooperation with the Vestry and Rector. In addition to the Treasurer, the Vestry shall appoint not less than two additional members of the congregation to serve yearly terms on the Finance Committee.
Finance Committee responsibilities include, inter alia:
(a) Development and periodic review of written policies and procedures, subject to Vestry approval, for the financial operation of the Parish, including the receipt of designated gifts and non-monetary contributions;
(b) Preparation of an annual budget for the Parish. The Finance Committee will request a proposed budget from all Parish staff and ministry teams to use in development of the annual budget. The annual budget is recommended by the Finance Committee to the Vestry for its approval and potential modification, to then be presented and approved by members of the congregation at a special meeting of the Parish, convened as described in Article III, Section 3.2, before the beginning of each fiscal year, at which the Vestry will also present a financial report for the preceding fiscal year;
(c) Working with the Treasurer, Rector, and staff, to monitor compliance with budgeted spending amounts; and, when needed, recommending appropriate budget adjustments;
(d) Obtaining, subject to Vestry approval, appropriate insurance coverage for real and personal property damage and liability, employee and volunteer malfeasance losses and liability, workmen’s compensation, and the contractual indemnifications of the staff personnel and volunteer workers of the Parish;
(e) Recommendations to the Vestry of the salary and benefits packages to be provided Parish employees;
(f) Providing advice to the Vestry, upon request, on matters related to the acquisition, lease, and financing of real and personal property by the Parish;
(g) Approving the sale of securities, real estate, and other property donated to the Parish.
2024-25 Budget
Our budget runs on a fiscal year (not calendar year)—July 1-June 30.
Click HERE for our current budget.