We'll celebrate Christ's resurrection with great fanfare (and lots of alleluias!) on Easter morning. Join us for one of our two Easter Sunday services of Holy Communion. At our 8:30am we will have baptisms. We expect both services to be very full. Plan to come early, and consider parking at our Church Office (4905 Pine Cone Drive, Durham). The Fellowship Hall will serve as our over-flow room for latecomers.
Bring some flowers, or cuttings from your flowering trees, and place them in the buckets in the Narthex. Children (and parents) are invited to join the clergy in the procession at both services, as we flower the cross.
Nursery will be available at both services.
During the Interlude, we'll have our annual potluck Easter brunch for all to enjoy. If you are able, please bring something to share during our potluck brunch (i.e. breakfast casserole, fruit salad, baked goods, etc.) If you can help with the brunch, please contact Joy McNeal.