2025 Annual Meeting - January 26th | Interlude In-Person and on ZOOM
On Sunday, January 26th, we will be holding our annual meeting at FOSDA during the interlude. If you are not able to attend in person we will be having a zoom option. Members will vote to affirm our new vestry members, and our Synod Delegates. If you are a member at All Saints Church it is important that you plan to attend this meeting so that we can reach a Quorum to vote. Note! The Annual Meeting Zoom Room will open at 10 am. Please make sure to log on at 10 am so that we can be sure we have a quorum before we begin.
Annual Meeting Documents:
If you see your name listed (or not listed) in error, please contact the church office ASAP (julie@allsaints-chd.org)
Annual Meeting Agenda
Coming Soon!
Note! For those on Zoom, we will vote using the polling feature. Each member of each household gets a vote, so please log-on through multiple devices, so that every vote is counted.
Financial Report
Coming Soon!
Zoom Information:
Coming Soon!